Make your bedroom clean and dust free

In order to make your bedroom clean and dust free , you will need to vacuum and dust regularly . You should also consider using an air pur ifier to help remove dust from the air . Assuming you would like tips on how to keep your bedroom clean and dust - free : - Start by decl uttering your space . This will make cleaning much easier and quicker . - Create a cleaning schedule and stick to it . Ded icate a few minutes each day to tid ying up . - Invest in a good vacuum cleaner and dust m ite covers for your mattress and pill ows . These will help to reduce dust in your bedroom . - W ipe down surfaces with a damp cloth or dust ing spray . - V ac uum carp ets and r ugs regularly . - Don 't forget to clean your windows and blind s. A clean and dust-free bedroom not only improves the air quality of your sleeping space but also helps you sleep better. The first step i...